




 View from the windows of the 26th floor of Warsaw Trade Tower, Walter Herz office

We would like to thank all our clients and contractors for their trust and wish them every success in 2024.





Finally, we would like to announce a special project that we started in 2023 and the effects of which we will share with you in 2024. Walter Herz, a company widely recognized on the real estate market, dealing in consultancy in the field of office rental, investment and hotel projects, decided to entrust ILNEDRO with consultancy and cost and construction support in the construction of a new headquarters in the Warsaw Trade Tower building in Warsaw. Taking into account the experience, professionalism and market insight of Walter Herz, we treat cooperation on this project as a special distinction.

Accace Sp. z o.o. – area before and after arrangement. Atrium Centrum,  Jana Pawła II 27, Warsaw

Each project we have the pleasure of working on has unique features that are particularly memorable. About the new Warsaw office of Accace Sp. z o. o., a company offering innovative services in the field of taxes, law, accounting and HR and payroll services, we can confidently say that these are functionality, attention to detail and a combination of the past and the future. The office space, although smaller - several hundred square meters - compared to the projects we most often work on, has been arranged in an ergonomic and optimal way. The available space was fully used and every piece of it was thought out and arranged with due care, which resulted in the final effect in the form of a comfortable and functional office. We are proud of the achieved effect and are glad that we could accompany the Accace team, designers and the invaluable Walter Herz Team throughout the entire process, from the initial phase of developing the conceptual design and organizing the tender, through implementation and final acceptance.



One of the largest projects in terms of finances and space for ILNEDRO is a project that we started in the third quarter of 2023 and will finish at the end of the first quarter of 2024. On behalf of the Lessor - CA Immo - we are carrying out a project to renovate the space for The Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP) in Warsaw. Ongoing project management, technical, schedule and cost control of the General Contractor's work and ensuring Tenant satisfaction are the most important tasks presented to our team. At the end of 2023, part of the revitalized space had already been handed over, and the Tenant's joy and words of thanks to us are the best summary of the work done.





After the end of another year of ILNEDRO's activity, there is an opportunity for reflection. Traditionally, we have decided to summarize the past period of our work. The year 2023 turned out to be a time full of technical challenges, new projects and journeys, both near and far, related to expanding the area of our professional activity. We feel that the experience gained will constitute the foundation for further improvement of the services we offer.


However, when it comes to giving a picture of our achievements, there is nothing better than numbers. That's why we will start with them!




How does 2023 look in terms of numbers?



  • we have completed 19 projects
  • we verified 74 cost estimates
  • we cooperated with 12 corporate clients and 4 individual clients
  • we covered 22,860 m2 of area with supervision and advice
  • we recorded a revenue increase of +28.4% compared to 2022

Below we present a broader look at selected projects and areas that absorbed our attention in 2023.




At the beginning of the year, we have completed work on the reconstruction of the office of ISON Care, a multi-specialist company providing high-quality services in the field of assistance, claims settlement and call center. The aim of the project was to modernize the office space located in Sienna Center in Warsaw to adapt it to the evolving work landscape. Cooperation with ILNEDRO on this project was established at the implementation stage and included technical and cost consulting services, as well as design support in the selection of finishing elements. We highly value this fruitful cooperation and are happy to express our wish to work in this spirit on future projects.



In 2023, we have conducted a comprehensive technical audit of the condition of the lease space for one of our confidential clients. The assessment included the condition of the surface in terms of architecture and construction, sanitary, mechanical, electrical and low-current installations, as well as quality and compliance with applicable regulations. The ILNEDRO team of inspectors, who are experts in their industries, carried out a thorough verification of the area and the provided documentation over several months of intensive work, which resulted in the creation of an extensive report and consolidation of our position as a trusted partner in the field of technical audits.